CAS/CAIS User Group Meeting

A meeting of the Condition Assessment Survey (CAS) and Condition Assessment Information System (CAIS) User Group is held on an annual basis. This meeting provides an opportunity for members of the DOE CAS and CAIS communities to meet in-person to discuss topics related to cost estimating, inspection methodologies, Repair Needs, Deferred Maintenance, Modernization, CAIS software enhancements and much more.

meeting room

CAS/CAIS User Group Presentations

2024 CAS/CAIS User Group Meeting Presentations
Presenter Location Title of Presentation
Pugh, Adam Headquarters (Office of Asset Management) Program Overview
Gordy, Mark Headquarters (Office of Asset Management Support) CAIS Program Status
CAIS 4.0 Enhancements
Integration of CAIS into FIMS
Kelble, Joe Gordian RS Means Overview
Lizarraga, Amy SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Leveraging "Tools", Projects and RN/DM Reduction Tracking
Meier, Julie Headquarters (Office of Asset Management) DOE Bridge Program Update
Energy Hub Access
Moats, Sandra Oak Ridge National Laboratory (SC) ORNL-SC CAIS Inspection Program
Payne, Anne Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility TJNAF Inspection Program
Smith, Mandy Headquarters (Office of Asset Management Support) Review of FIMS Bridge Appendix
Stahl, Matt Headquarters (Office of Asset Management Support) CAIS Helpdesk Topics
Yassan, Rebecca Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Are You Smarter Than Your Data?