
CAS/CAIS New User Training

This three day class offers extensive hands-on training in the areas of Condition Assessment and the use of the CAIS software. This training classes is free of charge to DOE and DOE contractor personnel associated with the DOE condition assessment program.

Class objectives for this training are provided below.

  • Thorough understanding of the Condition Assessment process
  • Participate in actual asset inspections
  • Learn how to document inspection findings
  • Understand the difference between Repair Needs and Deferred Maintenance
  • Defining Modernization Cost
  • Fully comprehend CAIS data entry at all levels
  • Using CAIS to develop RPV estimates
  • Explore the functionality of the CAIS Cost Estimating and Project Modules
  • Perform global updates using the CAIS upload capability
  • Become proficient in using the CAIS ad-hoc reporting tool and standard reports
  • Comprehend the value and functionality of CAIS archive capabilities
  • Understand the FIMS Upload function within CAIS
  • Comprehensive review of all administrative functions

  • training room
    Completed for 2024
    Location: TBD for 2025
    register button
    Send an e-mail to the FIMS/CAIS Helpdesk ( and include the following.
    • Name of attendee(s)
    • E-mail address
    • Class Dates
    • Site Represented

Training Videos

Note: For best performance, use Edge for viewing the video or download to your computer.